The Shirley Family

The Shirley Family's Fundraiser

In loving memory of Conley Shirley  image

In loving memory of Conley Shirley

Join us in honoring our beloved Dad, Husband, Grandfather, Son, Brother and Friend


$3,800 towards $10,000

How does a lifelong non-smoker end up with a rare form of lung cancer? Did you know that 60% of lung cancer diagnoses are from genetic mutations and not smoking? We didn’t either. And to further complicate things, the ROS1 gene mutation accounts for 1-2% of all genetic mutations causing cancer. This translates into limited information, less treatment and more specific complications for individuals with this particular mutation.

After Conley was diagnosed with a ROS1 genetic mutation, we were reeling from the news and looking for answers to questions that doctors couldn’t provide. We turned to ROS1ers (ROS-wonders) in a dark time and found a sliver of hope. There was a community, ready to help, when we were ready to engage. There were individuals raising money to help support clinical trials that drug companies won’t fund because it’s not profitable when <1% of the lung cancer population is suffering. This means that WE must raise money to fund trials and help others. This means that the more money we raise, the more clinical trials and the higher likelihood of patients, like Conley, having greater odds at surviving and thriving.

Conley knew this and donated to ROS1, hoping it might help him and others continue to fight and persist, despite the odds. This man we love so dearly, even in his time of need, recognized the need to help others. Imagine if more people knew about this disease, more people donated and more research was known, would he still be with us today?

Please consider donating to help honor Conley’s life, his tenacity and his generosity for helping those he loved and those he didn’t know.

For every dollar you donate, Google will match, dollar for dollar, up to $10,000, thus doubling your contribution. If your company also matches, you can submit your donation to your company and raise even more!

With love and gratitude - The Shirley Family