Help us improve outcomes for all ROS1+ cancers

Help fund the ROS1+ cancer community, education, and research

Help us improve outcomes for all ROS1+ cancers image




Help fund the ROS1+ cancer community, education, and research

The ROS1ders is a nonprofit corporation with a membership of patients, caregivers, and family members living with ROS1+ cancers in over 30 countries. Our cancer is deadly and relatively rare (1-2% of lung and other cancers). Our mission is to improve outcomes for all ROS1+ cancers through community, education, and research. Our members are primarily engaged patients who join us to save their own lives.

Our Community and Education Program brings people living with ROS1+ cancer together and provides them with accurate, understandable medical information. Projects in this program include our private Facebook group, website, blogs, social media outreach, virtual MeetUps on Zoom, and educational videos.

In 2023, our Medical and Research Program funded seed grants for the first time through The ROS1+ Cancer Innovation Award. Funds for the awards were raised through individual contributions to The ROS1ders by patients and supporters who seek to accelerate study of this relatively rare cancer. Each award carries a one-year, $75,000 seed grant to fund high-risk, high-reward research projects in ROS1+ cancer. The applications were reviewed and scored by members of our Scientific Advisory Board. We also support other research projects and collaborations through our Global ROS1 Initiative.

We aim to fund three seed grants in 2024, which will require $225,000. Just a small donation will go a long way to helping us meet our goals!